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At least 70 per cent of retrenched apparel workers have remained unemployed and 71 per cent of them are actively looking for jobs, a recent survey has found.
The survey – Dealing with the aftermath of Covid-19: Adjustments and Adaptation Efforts of the Apparel Workers in Bangladesh – was conducted by the Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh.
Debapriya Bhattacharya, convenor of Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, unveiled the findings of the survey through a virtual conference on Tuesday.
The survey was conducted on 500 RMG workers’ households living in Dhaka, Chittagong, Gazipur, and Narayanganj areas during the first half of June 2021.
According to the survey report, households of RMG workers have been struggling as average income of RMG workers’ households dropped 11.4 per cent during the survey period compared to pre-Covid-19 period.
“Apparel workers fell into different types of uncertainty due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. That is why the government, trade union leaders, owners and civil society have to work to ensure the rights of workers,” said Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) Chairman Rehman Sobhan.
He also laid emphasis on the introduction of insurance facilities for the workers and urged trade unions to unite to ensure workers’ rights.
About 56.4 per cent RMG workers experienced reduction in overtime during the first wave compared to pre-Covid period, which was 40.6 per cent during the second wave. The reduction was higher outside Export Processing Zones (EPZ) areas.
The second wave brought additional hardship and 32.8 per cent workers living with family faced further decline in household income.
Of the surveyed people, about 43 per cent of household members have had some symptoms of Covid-19, but only 2.7 per cent were tested.
To adjust the income loss and cope with the prevailing situation, 67 per cent workers took loans, while 37.7 per cent withdrew savings and 7.5 per cent sold labour in advance, the survey found.
On top of that, about 43.2 per cent of the households reported that they required support to cope up with the situation, while only 14.8 per cent of households received some assistance during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The platform suggested development of an independent mechanism to continuously monitor the impact of Covid-19 and support provided to the apparel sector workers.
This will contribute to their bargaining power with the entrepreneurs and government, it added.
Meanwhile, to face the challenges of fourth industrial revolution (4IR), sector people and experts called for technology upgradation and workers upscaling. They also called for investment in backward linkage industry, especially for manmade fibre.
“In coming days, we have to compete with our competitors after the graduation to developing country, when exports would lose duty benefits,” said BGMEA former president Rubana Huq.
To remain competitive, we have to upgrade technology and move towards automation. There is opportunity to create employment in backward linkage industry, she added.
She also put emphasis on reskilling of workers and products diversification.