Home ›› 08 Aug 2022 ›› Back
Chattogram City Corporation (CCC) in a drive on Sunday evicted over 100 unauthorized shops built on both road sides in city's different area.
"We have evicted over 100 makeshift unauthorized establishments built on both sides of city's GEC intersection, Golpahar crossing, Asian highway, Shulkbahar, Bahaddarhat Kanchabazar and Shah Amanat Setu area, occupying footpath," said CCC magistrate Marufa Begum Neli.
Marufa Begum Neli, executive magistrate of CCC conducted the five hour-long drives from 10 am in cooperation with police and senior officials of conservancy unite of CCC. The mobile court also realized Taka 24 thousand as fine from them.
City Mayor's Private Secretary Muhammad Abul Hashem and Regional Executive Officer Junaid Kabir Sohag also participated in the drive.
In separate drives, CCC special magistrate Monisha Mohazon realized fine of Taka 37 thousand from four building owners for keeping materials by occupying footpath at city's Lovelane area.