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Prime Minister’s Energy Advisor Tawfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury has blamed the current energy crisis in the country on the 'Westerners.'
"This is not our self-creation. The Westerners have put us into danger," he told a virtual seminar titled: “Sustainable Energy Security in Bangladesh: Vision of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman”, organised by Bangladesh Energy Society (BES) on Sunday.
Defending the current petroleum fuel price hike by more than 50 per cent, he said Bangladesh is not only country to have raised the price. Even the countries like the USA have increased the price.
“Per gallon of petrol is being sold at $5 in the USA which is equivalent to Tk120-130 per litre”, he told the seminar.
He said new innovative solutions like solar-run fast charging station for three wheelers, cooking through electric oven should be introduced to shift the load of electricity to bring a rationality in the system.
Eminent energy expert Dr Tamim said the price of petroleum has already come down in the US to $3 from $5 per gallon. One US gallon is equivalent to about four litres.
He said the government should have decreased the fuel price much earlier when price had decreased in the global market. But that was not done. Now again the energy price was raised by about 50 per cent in one go.
"There should be a specific policy that if the price decreases, the profit should be preserved as a special fund and that should be utilised for petroleum import when price goes up”, he said.
He said the oil price may witness a decline soon as it always happens in cyclic order that after a rise, when supply increases in the market, price automatically falls.
About the gas exploration, he said there should not be much more dependency on the state-owned Bapex for hydrocarbon exploration as it failed to make remarkable breakthroughs in the last 50 years.
“Now foreign companies should be awarded contracts for both onshore and offshore explorations,” he added.
The seminar was also addressed by Summit Group’s chairman Mohammed Aziz Khan, chief of 71 TV Mozammel Babu, energy expert Firoze Alam, business executive Zakaria Jalal and official Mizanur Rahman.
Former principal secretary to PM and president of BES Abul Kalam Azad presided over the event while Energy and Power magazine editor Mollah Amzad Hossain conducted it.
Mozammel Babu saisd that use of induction oven for cooking should be encouraged through mandatory provision as it is more competitive compared with use of gas-oven.