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The banks have increased the exchange rate of US dollars by Tk1 to Tk103 a dollar for the exporters, which came into effect from Wednesday.
The Association of Bankers Bangladesh (ABB) and Bangladesh Foreign Exchange Dealers’ Association (BAFEDA) announced the new dollar rate for exporters on Wednesday.
The leaders of ABB and BAFEDA held a meeting on January 31 to fix the new US dollar rate.
It decided to increase the rate for export income, but the price of the dollar was kept unchanged in the case of payment of expatriate income and import duties. As per the new decision, exporters will get Tk1.0 more against each dollar. And in terms of expatriate income, the dollar price has been kept unchanged at Tk107.
The BAFEDA sent a letter to all banks to this end. A dollar crisis has hit the country since March 2021 after the Russia-Ukraine war broke out.