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Various emerging businesses can be hugely benefitted from using the scaleup methodology as it ensures a sustainable growth for the business. Many well-established organisations in Bangladesh have adapted the method to enjoy its exponential results.
Managing Director of Startup Bangladesh Sami Ahmed came up with the observation at a recent workshop, titled “Scaling Up Business Growth Workshop”, jointly organised by Venture Capital and Private Equity Association of Bangladesh (VCPEAB), Entrepreneurs’ Organisation (EO) Bangladesh and eGeneration Limited, says a press release.
Speaking as the special guest at the event, Sami Ahmed said, “Startup Bangladesh will be always available to support the startups to grow and play a vital role in transforming Bangladesh.”
Manoj Chugani, a renowned and certified scale up coach in Asia Pacific Region, came from Hong Kong to conduct the workshop organised to understand scaling up processes for a business, how to execute them in a business and its implication on a business growth and sustainability.
Mentionable, scaling up method is the process of growing a company or organisation to a larger size to reach new levels of success. The method promotes the idea that a focus on scaling up is required in assessing needs and priorities.
At the event, Shameem Ahsan, managing director of eGeneration, said, “The workshop helped the aspiring leaders to get an abstract idea about the scaling up business growth methodology and eGeneration has always been committed to support the tech-startups to scale up their business.”