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Renowned historian Ranajit Guha, who would have turned 100 this May, has passed away.
Guha breathed his last in Austria’s Vienna Woods, where he lived with his wife Mechthild Guha, report agencies.
Guha has been vastly influential in the Subaltern Studies group, and was the editor of several of the group’s early anthologies.
Ranajit Guha was born on May 23, 1923, in Siddhakati village of what is now Bangladesh.
He migrated from India to the UK in 1959, and was a reader in history at the University of Sussex. Guha has also taught at the Australian National University.
Among the famous scholars he has trained are Dipesh Chakraborty, Partha Chatterjee, Gayatri Spivak Chakraborty and many others.