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Bangladesh should introduce Paypal soon

12 Sep 2021 00:00:00 | Update: 12 Sep 2021 04:34:50
Bangladesh should introduce Paypal soon

Monowar Zahid never wanted to get into a 9-to-5 job. So, he opted for freelancing profession to utilise his skills. In a conversation with The Business Post’s Rifat Islam, he shared his experience in this sector

The Business Post: How did you get into freelancing and what platforms did you use?

Monowar Zahid: I have adequate knowledge of MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet browsing, etc. I thought I can utilise these skills. Gradually, my interest in freelancing started to grow. One of the most interesting things about freelancing is that you can work from home and so don’t worry about the commitment of time, like maintaining a 9- 5 schedule. Moreover, you can earn well. 

I currently work on 2D animation at Fiverr and the contest-based marketplace Freelancer.

TBP: Tell us your educational background and how you become proficient in this sector?

Monowar Zahid: I am a 4th-year student of the Department of Political Science at Shaikh Burhanuddin Post-Graduate College under National University.

For freelancing, I primarily attended a course on graphics design. After doing that course, I did some work for local clients for a while and tried to learn animation from YouTube and other free resources.

Then, I entered freelancer.com and then Fiverr.

I may have not received any awards or recognition from the sector, but my biggest prize is the reviews and ratings my clients give me when I complete a task. This gives me self-confidence and paves the way for new jobs in future.

TBP: How much do you earn per month?

Monowar Zahid: I earn between $600 and $1,000 a month. 

TBP: In which areas can freelancers earn the most?

Monowar Zahid: In the world of freelancing, the general rule is that if you are skilled at your work, you will earn good money.

TBP: What kind of problems do you face when it comes to freelancing?

Monowar Zahid: Personally, health problems come first. Most of the time, irregular work hours give us little time to take care of our health, leading to less eating and sleeping.

In case of technical problems, almost every freelancer wants to work with buyers personally outside the market. This is because the marketplace takes a good share out of our payments. However, that is difficult in this country as PayPal is not allowed in Bangladesh.

TBP: Who are the competitors of Bangladeshi freelancers?

Monowar Zahid: Currently, people from various countries work in these marketplaces. The number of freelancers is much higher in Asia. In my view, freelancers from Pakistan, Sri Lanka and India are the main competitors for Bangladeshis in the market.

TBP: There is a saying that Bangladeshi freelancers bid the lowest to get work. Is it true?

Monowar Zahid: Yes, this is true. In bidding sites such as Upwork, Freelancer or PeoplePer Hour, Bangladeshi freelancers take jobs at a much lower price get the job. This may be good for an individual freelancer but overall, it seems to be a problem for everyone. Due to this, many markets are now losing popularity. Freelancer.com is one of them.

TBP: What are your suggestions for new freelancers?

Monowar Zahid: For those who are new to freelancing, the first thing they need to do is understand the basics of freelancing. There are many myths regarding freelancing.  Many people jump into this field with enthusiasm but later realize that this is not their cup of tea.

TBP: What are your expectations from the government in flourishing this sector further?

Monowar Zahid: The first demand is allowing PayPal. Moreover, we are supposed to get 2 per cent of our total income as an incentive but are not getting it. There are, of course, special reasons for this. But I believe this can be resolved if the concerned authorities pay attention to this matter.

TBP: Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Monowar Zahid: I have a plan to make a team and have my own agency in future.
