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Walton TV receives good response in Croatia

Staff Correspondent
21 Feb 2022 00:00:00 | Update: 20 Feb 2022 23:56:48
Walton TV receives good response in Croatia

Walton brand television saw rapid and successful market expansion in Croatia centering huge response from the buyers toward the Bangladeshi electronics giant made television.

Walton TV’s state-of-the-art technology, features, high standard and sustainability are luring the Croatian buyers. Its modern marketing strategy has also been playing a significant role, the company said in a press release on Sunday.

The Bangladeshi brand started TV export to Croatia in 2020 as the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) system. From 2021, Walton has been exporting television with its own brand logo in the Croatian market.

As Walton TV’s distributor, Croatia’s renowned electronics brand ‘Smartphone I Tablet Service D.O.O.’ are conducting the sales and marketing activities in the Croatian market.

Walton’s Croatia Market Concern Aminul Islam said that Walton’s TV market in Croatia has been extending rapidly. As of nearly $2.5 million worth of Walton TVs has been exported to Croatia. This year, Walton is hoping of bagging $3 million worth earnings from its TV export to Croatia.

Walton TVs are being displayed and sold in large supermarkets across Croatia, such as Interspar and Kaufland, along with extensive advertisements being aired on local TV channels and other media outlets.

Walton TV’s Chief Business Officer Engineer Mostafa Nahid Hossain said, “Walton TV registered a 264 percent export growth in the fiscal year 2020-21. Now, Europe is the major export market of Walton brand TV.

As of now, Walton expanded its TV exports to 14 European countries, including Germany, Greece, Ireland, Poland, Spain, Italy, Romania and the Netherlands. This year, Walton is moving ahead to create new export markets in Europe, America and Asia. Our goal is to build a brighter image of Bangladesh abroad by marketing ‘Made in Bangladesh’ labeled TVs worldwide.”

Walton has been exporting TVs to different countries since 2010 and then positioned itself as the country’s top television exporter. Now, Walton made television are being exported to over 35 countries. The domestic brand is now moving ahead with a mission of becoming one of the top five television exporters in the global market.
