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Rural talents get job at BRAC Bank

BRAC Bank will hire 2,000 new officers in 2022 to expand its business across the country
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12 Mar 2022 00:00:00 | Update: 12 Mar 2022 03:15:42
Rural talents get job at BRAC Bank

BRAC Bank is creating employment opportunities for those who lag behind in society, the bank said in a statement.

In the recent recruitment examinations, many job seekers from remote areas of the country have got job opportunities at the bank by showing extraordinary merit.

Most of the job seekers had to overcome numerous hurdles to complete their studies. They even had to deal with the shortage of food, accommodation, clothes. Survival was an everyday struggle. Many had to move in with their distant relatives as their families could not afford to bear living and educational expenses. Many had to work as a day labourer, toil in brickfield to earn money to bear educational expenses.

These talented recruits have come from the family background of farmers, carpenters, grocers, vegetable sellers, day labourers and earned their position in the corporate sector thanks to their merit, indomitable morale, and perseverance. After getting a job at BRAC Bank, they are now dreaming of a bright future.

Stories of their life struggle, courage, and indomitable spirit came up in their interview sessions. The pandemic took two years away from their lives. Most government and private organisations did not have many openings due to the pandemic, so they were unable to get jobs. Those who passed in 2018-2019 have lost two years of their lives.

According to them, recently many companies are advertising and hired. However, those who have passed under the National University hardly get a call for an interview.

Graduates of the district and divisional city educational institutes and national universities have recently shown merit in the BRAC Bank job examinations. They expressed interest in working in the corporate sector of Bangladesh. If given the opportunity, they would contribute to the progress of the organisation with their talent and hard work.

When asked if they would be able to cope with the challenging work in the bank, one candidate said, "How much more difficult would it be than making bricks under the burning sun?" One candidate was nervous about not being able to wear a tie because he did not have any. But he did an amazing job at the interview.

Despite all the obstacles, their morale, work ethic, and the mental power of moving forward in life got the interviewing officers immensely touched and impressed. The interviewers found potential in the job seekers hailing from remote areas of the country. Their merit was the only determining factor in the recruitment process.

BRAC Bank helps change people's lives, stands by those who lag behind so that no one in the society is left behind. Just like helping the grassroots entrepreneurs with SME loans, BRAC Bank provides employment opportunities to the backward segment of the society enabling them to express their latent talent and realise full potential. BRAC Bank has been helping build a prosperous country for the last two decades.

BRAC Bank has planned to double its business in the next four years. The bank is investing heavily in human resources to support the expansion plan. BRAC Bank will hire 2,000 new officers in 2022 to expand its business across the country. The bank has already recruited more than 200 officers this year including 80 officers under its Young Leaders’ Programme.

The announcement of recruitment has generated huge interest and enthusiasm among the recently passed graduates from public and private universities. The bank’s recent initiative to increase the salary of Officer to Senior Principal Officer Grade incumbents by up to 50 per cent in one go has also created a stir among the job seekers.

With 7,800 full-time officers, BRAC Bank is one of the leading employers in the banking sector of Bangladesh and one of the top employers of talents in the banking sector. It has emerged as the employer of choice for the youth in the country due to its people-care initiatives, work environment, ethics, transparency, brand value, and good corporate governance.

BRAC Bank will always be by the side of these talents of the nook and corner of the country to help them build a bright future, added the statement.
