Home ›› 13 Sep 2022 ›› Corporate
Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) has started paying the salary & other benefits arrears of the workers of M/s. Shine Fashion Company (PVT) Ltd., a closed factory of Dhaka EPZ (DEPZ).
The programme of paying arrears of the employees started on September 11, hosted by DEPZ. The workers would be paid their arrears of Tk 30.02 crore gradually, said a media statement issued on Sunday.
DEPZ Executive Director Abdus Sobhan handed over pay orders to some workers of their Salary & other benefits arrears in the programme. Rest of the workers’ will get their arrears through their bank accounts.
The workers are overwhelmed to receive their arrears after almost two years of the closure of the factory. They thanked BEPZA wholeheartedly for their continuous efforts to settle the dues payment.
It is to be noted that, the factory management announced the closure of the factory in 2020 for the failure to pay the wages of 2,083 workers. BEPZA terminated the land lease agreement with the factory on 1 December 2020 and assured that it would make arrangements to pay all the dues of the workers.
After a long tireless effort of almost two years, BEPZA has been succeeded to pay the dues of the workers by selling the factory through an auction.
BEPZA is always committed to protecting the legal rights of workers and paying their dues fairly. It is to be noted that earlier BEPZA made arrangements to pay the arrears to the workers of a closed factory of Dhaka EPZ, one of Chattogram EPZ, one of Adamjee EPZ, and one closed factory of Ishwardi EPZ.