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Nagad Islamic at Bishwa Ijtema to serve devotees

TBP Desk
13 Jan 2023 00:00:00 | Update: 13 Jan 2023 00:40:20
Nagad Islamic at Bishwa Ijtema to serve devotees

To facilitate financial transactions of devout Muslims, Nagad has installed a large service booth at this year’s Bishwa Ijtema, which is billed as the second largest congregation of Muslims after Hajj.

Anyone can open Nagad Islamic accounts, avail cash-in, cash-out and other services at the booth, said a press release.

Nagad will distribute certified glycerine to worshippers so that they do not suffer from biting cold.

If a worshiper coming to Bishwa Ijtema opens a new account of Nagad Islamic, they will get a mobile recharge of Tk 20 as a gift, which will be sent to their accounts within 24 hours.

In keeping with the Islamic way of life, Nagad Islamic is providing millions of pious Muslims with Shariah-based services, making sure complete interest-free digital transactions for them.

Islamic accounts of Nagad, an arm of Bangladesh Postal Department, are fully managed under the supervision of a Shariah Supervisory Committee. Through Nagad Islamic MFS accounts, customers can easily manage their own funds in an interest-free and Shariah-compliant manner, maintaining their religious values and principles, said the release.

Customers, willing to avail Islamic services, can easily convert their regular Nagad accounts into Islamic accounts. They need to go to “My Nagad” option in Nagad app and click “Account Type”, then the running app will be changed to an Islamic account.

A customer will know that his account has been successfully converted to an Islamic account only when his or her Nagad app turns green.

Customers of Nagad Islamic accounts can transact their hard-earned money without any interest as it is managed according to Islamic Shariah. Besides, they can calculate their Zakat digitally and pay all donations.

Customers can also make their Islamic life insurance payments in the comfort of their homes through their Islamic accounts.

Mohammad Aminul Haque, member of Shariah Supervisory Committee of Nagad Islamic and Executive Director of Nagad, said, “We have taken this small initiative to assist devout Muslims coming to Bishwa Ijtema.”
