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Bangladesh wants strong bilateral, regional trade relations with China

BSS . Dhaka
03 Jul 2023 13:02:01 | Update: 03 Jul 2023 13:07:55
Bangladesh wants strong bilateral, regional trade relations with China
Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi — BSS Photo

Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi has said Bangladesh wants to create strong bilateral and regional trade relations with China and it would be possible if both countries could work together with an "open mind."

"If we work together with an open mind, I think, we will be able to enhance the economic growth of the two friendly countries (Bangladesh and China)," he said.

The minister was speaking as the chief guest at a programme titled "China-Bangladesh Partnership - Building Strong Communities Together Report” launch held at the Chinese embassy on Sunday.

Munshi said Bangladesh believes that regional integration, regional connectivity, and intra-regional trade can boost the economic growth of this peninsula which will help improve the economic condition of the people.

"All our steps are for the welfare and well-being of the people of these two countries (Bangladesh and China) and finally, for the people of this region," he said.

The minister said the global economy and trade have come to a halt due to lockdowns and disruptions caused by the Corona pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war.

"To overcome from the backdrops of economic activities, especially trade, commerce, and investment, we have to emphasise regional integration," he said adding that Bangladesh would build greater cooperation, contact, and trust among the closest neighbours.

Munshi said businessmen can play a pivotal role in the implementation of the proposed Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Bangladesh and China.

The opportunities are created by the governments but it is expected that the businessmen will build rapport among themselves for reaping the benefit of such cooperation.

Currently, the FTA feasibility study is 'underway' between Dhaka and Beijing and after completing all formalities, Bangladesh is expected to sign the agreement with China.

The minister expressed his belief that the report on "China-Bangladesh Partnership Building Strong Communities Together" which was launched at the event would create a new momentum between business communities of both countries.

At the event, the Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Yao Wen presented a keynote speech where he expected that Chinese enterprises will take more responsibility for promoting sustainable development in Bangladesh and deepening the friendship between the two countries.

"We will make the people of the two countries strengthen friendship, enhance well-being, become closer to each other, and cultivate more envoys of friendship so that the China-Bangladesh friendship will be passed on from generation to generation," he said.

The envoy said this year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, and also the 7th anniversary of Bangladesh's participation in the Chinese initiative.

Yao said that the Chinese embassy in Bangladesh is taking the lead in writing a research report regarding the Belt and Road Initiative in Bangladesh, which comprehensively demonstrates the current situation and the future trajectory of the China-Bangladesh friendship.

The ambassador said his country would strengthen theoretical and practical exchanges with Bangladesh on modernization and synergize our development strategies.

The ambassador handed over the 'China-Bangladesh Ambassador Friendship Award' to six Bangladeshi nationals for their contribution to Bangladesh-China ties.

The purpose of establishing 'China-Bangladesh Ambassador Friendship Award' is to encourage more Bangladeshi youths to study hard and pursue their dreams, to encourage them to contribute to the epic story of China-Bangladesh friendship, and inspire them to devote themselves to the cooperation between the two countries, said the ambassador.

President of the Chinese Enterprises Association of Bangladesh (CEAB) Ke Changlian also spoke on the occasion.
