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Money laundering behind USD crisis: Minister

44 personalities honoured with CIP status
Staff Correspondent
23 May 2023 01:45:20 | Update: 23 May 2023 02:07:18
Money laundering behind USD crisis: Minister
— TBP Photo

Agriculture Minister Dr Abdur Razzaque on Monday pointed out money laundering as the main reason behind the ongoing dollar crisis.

“Many businessmen claim that they cannot open LCs due to dollar crisis. I think the crisis was created mainly due to money laundering. A lot of money is laundered abroad by a good number of people from different strata of society. Some even send money abroad selling their properties,” the minister said while addressing a programme as the chief guest in the capital.

He urged FBCCI to play an active role in creating awareness among businessmen to tackle money laundering as some businessmen are also allegedly involved in the malpractice.

The programme was organised to award commercially important persons (CIP) status to a total of 44 personalities in different categories for their contributions to the country's overall economy through setting up industries, creating employments and increasing national income in 2021.

Dr Abdur Razzaque formally handed over the honour awards at Hotel Intercontinental in Dhaka while Industries Minister Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun, State Minister for Industries Kamal Ahmed Majumder, Cabinet Secretary Md Mahbub Hossain and FBCCI President Md Jashim Uddin attended as special guests.

Industries Secretary Zakia Sultana presided over the function.

At the event, Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun said the wave of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) has arrived in Bangladesh.

"As a result, a new trend of knowledge-based and environment-friendly green industrialisation has started in the country. The industries ministry is providing all possible policy support to the private sector to speed up this trend," he added.

Kamal Ahmed Majumder said through honouring the eminent persons as 'CIP (Industry) 2021', private sector entrepreneurs will be motivated to use their creativity and innovative abilities in the industrial sector.

Among the 44 businessmen, six have been selected under the ex-officio category, 25 under large industries, 10 under medium industries, two under small industries and one under micro industries category.

Every CIP received a CIP card and will enjoy a number of facilities, including priority in seat reservation at government transports in air, road, rail and waterways, getting invitation at national events, could get special facilities in the government hospitals for ensuring treatment of their spouse and children.

The CIPs will be able to use the cards as passes to use the VIP lounge-2 at the airports.
