The date 22nd February bears a great significance in our life. Just one year before, on this day we started the journey of Noor Ali Family Trust (NAFT). For us, it was a day when our long-cherished dream came into reality, into a visible entity. We have been dreaming of this for a very long time. For that, at the very outset, I would like to express my profound gratitude to Almighty Allah SWT, for making our dream come true.
NAFT was created with a vision of transforming the Unique Group of Companies Ltd (UG) into a singular entity – Trust. We want to make an organisation which will be the torchbearer of UG’s goodwill, and legacies for years to come. Our dream for this Trust is big. We want to contribute to our nation’s economy through this. While doing so, we do not just want to limit ourselves within the periphery of Bangladesh but also to excel globally, breaking all the biases. To make this happen, all the members of NAFT are working laboriously. Here, I would like to mention another thing, one of the fundamentals of us – NAFT, is to stand beside the impoverished, underprivileged people of our country. In that context, we have created a charitable foundation under the banner of Selina Noor Charitable Foundation. We have already done various charitable activities like distributing winter clothes amongst the poor, patronising various orphanages, building hospital as well as diagnostic centre for underprivileged people and many more like these.
I strongly believe, the way we all the members of NAFT have been working, we will definitely be able to achieve our ultimate dream. At NAFT, we believe nothing is unattainable if you have sincerity, honesty and dedication.
At last, I would like to convey my profound regards to all the members of NAFT for the successful completion of its one-year journey. At the same time, I ardently ask for the blessings of Almighty Allah SWT for the coming days of us - NAFT.
Selina Ali, Vice-Chairman, Board of Trustees, Noor Ali Family Trust