Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut on Sunday claimed that Bangladeshis and Rohingyas are West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's “biggest strength” as Trinamool Congress was heading for a big win in West Bengal assembly elections for a third consecutive term.
“Bangladeshi's and Rohingyas are biggest strength of Mamata.... with the way trend is looking shows Hindus are no more majority there,” she twitted.
She further claimed in the tweet: “according to the data Bangali Muslims are the poorest and most deprived in whole India, good another Kashmir in the making... #Elections2021.”
As Trinamool Congress was leading in 216 out of Bengal's 294 seats, "Bengal has saved India," Mamata Banerjee said. “We are grateful to the people for this landslide victory. I have to start working for Covid immediately,” added the West Bengal CM.