Renowned Bangladeshi actor Ferdous has successfully completed a remarkable 25 years in the film industry. His journey began with the film "Buker Vitor Agun," directed by Chotku Ahmed, starring alongside iconic actor Salman Shah.
Prior to that, Ferdous showcased his acting prowess in Basu Chatterjee's, "Hothat Brishti," which created a buzz among audiences.
Remembering about the start of his journey in entertainment industry, Ferdous said, "Truly, it feels like 25 years have passed in the blink of an eye. So much unfolds before my eyes today. In the long journey of my acting career, I have encountered and connected with thousands of people. Many are no longer with us today, like, Basu da. I express my gratitude to my mentor, 'Hothat Brishti' producer Habib Uncle, who is like a father to me.
"I extend my thanks to the dear director Chotku bhai, who, by giving me the opportunity, has made me Ferdous today. I miss Basu da terribly – he was my friend, my guide, my mentor, my director, the artisan of 'Hothat Brishti'. Stay well, Basu da – this is my wish. I vividly remember Priyanka, Sreelekha, Monoj da, Nachiketa da, and all the artists of Hothat Bristi."
Born on June 7, 1972, in comilla, Ferdous was introduced in the film industry by choreographer Amir Hossain Babu. Over the course of his extensive acting career, Ferdous has gifted audiences with numerous beloved films.
Notably, he received the highest recognition for his performances, winning the National Film Award for Best Actor 6 times, a record matched only by actor Alamgir.
Ferdous has become a favorite among audiences, not only in cinema but also in the modeling industry, where he has worked for various popular advertisements.
Ferdous, who recently starred in the critically acclaimed film "Mike," centered around Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's historic March 7 speech, has been receiving accolades for his exceptional performance. The film has resonated well with audiences, emphasizing the significance of the Liberation War.
Awaiting for release, his other notable films are "Raseler Jonno Opekkha", "Dampara", "Maniker Lal Kankra", "Gangchil", "Jam," and "Ahare Jibon."
Recently his versatility as an actor was further showcased in Hridi Haq's "1971 Shei Shob Din," a film that delves into the complexities of the Liberation War.
Recently Ferdous was acknowledged during the "National Film Awards 2022" ceremony. He received accolades from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The Prime Minister commended Ferdous's dedication and contribution to the film industry.
As Bangladesh celebrates 25 years of Ferdous's illustrious acting career, fans and the film fraternity eagerly await his upcoming projects, anticipating more memorable performances from this iconic actor.