Internationally acclaimed Bangladeshi actor Chanchal Chowdhury is currently gracing the stages of Kolkata, performing in the acclaimed play "Radhang."
Directed by Munmunur Rashid, the play has witnessed six stellar performances in two days, owing to the immense enthusiasm and demand from the Kolkata audience.
Chanchal's presence on the Kolkata stage has captivated and mesmerised the local audience. The overwhelming response from the spectators has led the director, Munmunur Rashid, to extend the play with two additional shows, responding to the high demand and eagerness of the Kolkata viewers.
Reflecting on the fervor surrounding his play, Chanchal Chowdhury expressed, "Just like the long queues that formed from the morning for my film 'Hawa,' a similar line-up was seen for 'Radhang.' The passion of the Kolkata audience towards stage plays has left a lasting impression on me. I had inquired from my mentor, director Munmunur Rashid, about the audience's reaction outside Dhaka, especially in Kolkata, regarding plays like 'Radhang.' He replied that such overwhelming responses were unprecedented. The incident has left a mark on my mind."
While the two days of back-to-back shows brought joy to the audience, it posed a significant challenge for the team. Chanchal emphasized the importance of regular participation in stage performances for actors, stating that without a focus on the art of stage acting, future generations might lose the essence of authentic acting, be it in films, dramas, or any other platform.
Chanchal shared his commitment to regularly perform on stage from the coming year, fostering an increased interest among new generations of artists. He stressed the need for actors to pay attention to the art of stage acting and expressed his intention to maintain regular communication with the stage, a platform he has never left.
Chanchal is set to return to Bangladesh on January 2, 2024. His latest cinematic venture, 'Hawa,' has earned him accolades including a National Film Award for Best Actor.
Besides, the audience eagerly awaits the release of his film "Monogamy", while his film "Padatik" is also awaiting release in India.