In a recent announcement on Saturday, American rapper and singer Doja Cat revealed her decision to take a break from Instagram, citing mistreatment on the platform. The Grammy-winning artist expressed concerns over the negative interactions and toxicity she has encountered, stating that it has led to distressing thoughts.
In a now-deleted post, Doja Cat, also known as Amala Ratna Zandile Dlamini, conveyed her intention to deactivate her account due to the way she has been treated online. She emphasised the importance of being mindful of one's words and actions on the internet.
Doja reportedly is having a tumultuous relationship with netizens these days and seems like the singer is ‘not feeling this anymore.’ She stated, "the way I'm spoken to on here and treated makes me have fu***d up thoughts. Please watch how you talk to and about people on the internet."
Doja Cat, who has amassed a significant following of 24.4 million on Instagram, highlighted her initial intent of seeking inspiration and witnessing creativity on the platform. However, she acknowledged that the current environment has become overwhelming for her.
Speculations suggest that her decision might be related to concerns about her relationship with her boyfriend, J. Cyrus, as voiced by her fans. The news of her departure from Instagram prompted varied reactions, with some expressing concern for her well-being while others appeared indifferent or critical.
"I hope she's okay. We all love her," one fan wrote. Another commented, "well she did defend her predator boyfriend's actions so…" while a different user added, "I thought trolling was her forte? Or is it only quirky when she does it?"
This isn't the first instance of Doja Cat facing challenges due to her online presence. Previously, she engaged in public disputes with her fan base, leading to a significant loss of followers on Instagram. Additionally, she criticised fans who identified themselves as "Kittenz," leading to the closure of several fan pages dedicated to her.