Tariq Anam Khan, a prominent actor in the Bangladeshi entertainment industry, recently shared his thoughts on the web film "Something Like an Autobiography."
The film has been garnering attention for its unique storyline and performances by the lead actors.
Taking to his Facebook profile on Saturday, Tariq Anam expressed his impressions after watching the film, stating, "'Something Like an Autobiography' left me with a sense of tranquility and contemplation. After a few days of discussions and pondering over the title, the story, and the characters, it felt like their (Farooki-Tisha) love story, etc., etc. I won't deny - initially, a hint of ambiguity seemed intriguing."
In a detailed reflection on a specific scene, the actor mentioned the impact of the sound of a gunshot (even though it was only perceived by him) in the film. "I wanted to say, 'Stop the indecency.' The love story took a different direction with the incident and eventually, the rebels and offenders found themselves confined in a prison. Society protests, power injustice, resistance - The rest is silence. The desire to rebel arises."
Following this, Tariq also commented on the performances of the actors in the film. Regarding Nusrat Imrose Tisha, he wrote, "I have known Tisha for a long time. We have worked together on many occasions. Consistent, dedicated, hardworking actress Tisha has undoubtedly evolved significantly."
He further shared his views on Mostafa Sarwar Farooki, who not only directed but also acted in the web film. Tariq comments included some advice for Farooki, emphasizing that even though he hasn't seen Farooki in this light before, as an actor, Farooki should now contemplate, reflect, and mature.
In conclusion, the actor clarified that his thoughts were not a review but a personal experience.
The web film, "Something Like an Autobiography," presents the real-life love story of Mostafa Sarwar Farooki and Nusrat Imrose Tisha. Released on November 30, the 82-minute film marks Farooki's debut in the "Ministry of Love" project by Chorki, a significant milestone in Bangladesh's web film industry.