On the upcoming November 13, it will be the birthday of the renowned Bangladeshi novelist, playwright, lyricist, film director Humayun Ahmed. To mark the occasion this year, acclaimed filmmaker Salahuddin Lavlu has produced a drama titled "Ami Humayun Ahmed Hote Chai". The script was penned by Razia Sultana Jennie. The shooting for the drama took place at various locations in Uttara, Dhaka.
Humayun Ahmed is considered one of the most popular Bengali literary figures of the 20th century, especially in Bangladesh, and is hailed as one of the finest and most beloved authors post-independence. He introduced a new conversational style in Bengali literature and was also a pioneer in modern Bengali science fiction. As a playwright, film director, and producer, he earned accolades for his work in the entertainment industry.
Reflecting on the story, Lavlu said, "It's a story about a man who shares his name with the great Humayun Ahmed, and his parents also share the same names. So, in a true sense, he aspires to be Humayun. If the protagonist had grown up with his parents, he might not have become the renowned writer. Starting his solitary life amidst poverty in Mohammadpur, Dhaka, he overcomes hurdles to create a remarkable narrative."
In the drama, Junaid Bogdadi portrays Humayun Ahmed's character, while Riya takes on the role of Gultekin. Both actors have delivered commendable performances in their respective roles. Dolly Johur plays the character of Humayun Ahmed's mother, while Shilpi Sarkar Apu plays the role of Gultekin's mother.
Dolly Johur remarked, "The story's concept is quite intriguing. And Lavlu has put in a tremendous amount of effort. I hope the audience will enjoy it."
Shilpi Sarkar Apu added, "When the story is good, it makes the work enjoyable. Lavlu da works tirelessly. I hope it will be well-received."
The drama is set to air on Channel i at 9:30 pm on November 13, commemorating Humayun Ahmed's birthday.
Salahuddin Lavlu's son, Roshan, portrays Gultekin's younger brother in the drama, while another character will be played by Roshni.