Rafiath Rashid Mithila's much-anticipated film "O Abhagi" officially premiered yesterday in West Bengal. Directed by Anirban Chakraborty, the film is an adaptation of Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay's classic short story "Abhagir Swargo."
Mithila takes on the lead role, showcasing a dramatic transformation from her previous work. The film's trailer, released on March 16, offered a glimpse into this new persona.
"O Abhagi" explores the struggles of a woman fighting to preserve her dignity amidst societal pressures. It sheds light on the oppressive nature of the upper class.
Praising Mithila's role in the film, her husband and filmmaker Srijit Mukherji wrote on his social handle, "'O Abhagi' is a beautiful and sensitive interpretation of a Sarat Chandra classic with a solid ensemble led magnificently by Rafiath Rashid."
The ensemble cast includes Subrata Datta, Debyani Chattopadhyay, Ishan Mazumdar, Sayan Ghosh, Jiniya Pandey, Krishna Bandopadhyay, and Sourav Haldar. Anirban Chakraborty not only directed the film but also penned the screenplay.