The 50-year cinematic journey of renowned actor Shabana Azmi will be celebrated at the New York Indian Film Festival (NYIFF) next month. This marks the 24th edition of the NYIFF, North America's most respected Indian film festival, which will run from May 31 to June 2.
The event will showcase 49 narrative, documentaries and short films featuring prominent actors like Amitabh Bachchan and Naseeruddin Shah. The festival will commemorate Azmi's five decades in Indian and international cinema with a special screening of her 1996 film 'Fire'. Azmi, who will attend this year's NYIFF, has won five National Film Awards and international accolades for her groundbreaking roles, reports India Today.
Apart from her cinematic achievements, Azmi is also recognised for her commitment to social activism, particularly for women's rights and the underprivileged.
The festival will open with the film 'Dear Jassi', directed by Indian-American filmmaker Tarsem Singh, and will close with the Sanya Malhotra-starrer 'Mrs', directed by Arati Kadav.
This year's festival will feature films in 12 Indian languages, reflecting the depth and range of contemporary Indian cinema.