Popular Bangladeshi actress Pori Moni is all set to make her Tollywood debut with the upcoming film "Felubakshi."
The thriller film, directed by Devraj Sinha, will see Pori Moni play the character of Labonnay. The cast also includes renowned Bengali actress Madhumita Sarcar and Soham Chakraborty.
The actress unveiled a new look for her character in “Felubakshi” on her Facebook on Sunday. In her unveiled look, the actress is attired in a black t-shirt paired with jeans and a red sweater layered over it. Sporting sunglasses she exudes a strong attitude with her hair tied back.
When asked about Felubakshi, Pori Moni refused to divulge any news. “I am not allowed to divulge anything about Felubakshi. My name is Labanya in the film. That’s all. I can’t say anything else. My director strictly asked me not to divulge anything,” the actress quipped.
As per reports, Soham will play the titular role – a detective. The character is designed as tech-savvy, shrewd, and updated. Madhumita plays the character of a Radio Jockey, Debjani, who secretly wishes to be Felu Bakshi’s assistant. Labonya, the character played by Pori Moni, is, however, a mysterious one. The shooting is scheduled to start on Wednesday in Kolkata. The film also features Shataf Figar in a key role.