Popular Bangladeshi actress Pori Moni is all set to make her Tollywood debut with the upcoming film "Felubakshi."
The thriller film, directed by Devraj Sinha, will see Pori Moni play the character of Labonnay. The cast also includes renowned Bengali actress Madhumita Sarcar and Soham Chakraborty.
The Actress arrived in Kolkata earlier this week to begin shooting for the project. Filming is scheduled to commence on March 26 at various locations across the city.
Expressing her excitement about the film, Pori Moni said, "I have always admired the nuanced storytelling and fulfilling filmmaking process in Kolkata's cinema. I'm thrilled to be a part of 'Felubakshi' and immerse myself in the city's rich culture and cinematic world."
Pori Moni was last seen in the Liberation War-based film ‘Maa’, directed by Aranya Anwar. The actress now will be seen in a Tollywood film for the first time.
It may be mentioned that, Bangladeshi actors Jaya Ahsan, Nusraat Faria, Bidya Sinha Mim, Mahiya Mahi and Apu Biswas starred in Tollywood films before.