Shakib Khan starrer “Rajkumar” is going to hit the cinemas at the Eid festival. The makers have started preparing for the release of this movie directed by Himel Ashraf. Shakib Khan's birthday is on March 28. Marking the birthday of Shakib Khan, the trailer of "Rajkumar" will be launched at the Burj Khalifa, said Arshad Adnan, the producer of the movie.
Simultaneously, Shakib will receive a birthday message displayed on the screen of Dubai's iconic and renowned skyscraper, the world's tallest structure.
Producer Arshad Adnan disclosed this information at an Iftar Mahfil arranged by Versatile Media, the production company behind the film at Gulshan Club on Wednesday.
The makers have also informed that various plans are underway to highlight Bengali cinema on the world stage. As a part of this, they planned to screen the trailer of Shakib Khan's movie at Burj Khalifa.
Producer Arshad Adnan said, “We want to start the promotion of ‘Rajkumar’ movie from the desert. March 28 is Shakib Khan's birthday. On that day, the trailer of 'Rajkumar' will be unveiled at Burj Khalifa. I have completed all the formalities for this. I will get confirmation within two days.”
Not only in the country, "Rajkumar" will also be released in various countries around the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom, the Middle East, Canada, and India, amongst several other countries.
Arshad Adnan also said, “I am a culture lover by heart. My thoughts about the film industry of this country are interminable. I want to work with everyone to create a big marketplace for Bangladeshi cinema in the international arena. I am confident that ‘Rajkumar’ produced by me will also gain popularity and surpass ‘Priyotoma’.”
Referring to ‘Rajkumar’ as an international quality movie, Shakib said, “Rajkumar’ is a movie, which we truly call an international movie. The movie is going to be released simultaneously in many countries. To make this type of international quality movie, we need more producers like Arshad Adnan. ‘Priyatma’ is an example. It was a successful movie and was screened with success in various parts of the world.”
Director Himel Ashraf shared insights into the cinematic journey of "Rajkumar," highlighting the film's shooting locations, which include Dhaka, Pabna, Kushtia, Manikganj, Tangail, Gazipur, India, and the United States.