Popular actress Sabila Nur is gearing up for Eid with a triple dose of entertainment. Nur recently wrapped filming for three Eid dramas: "Dushito Ei Shohore" by Anonno Emon, "Makorsha" by Ragib Piyal, and "Raat Baki" by Morsalin Shubho.
Two of the dramas feature Nur alongside established actors Shyamal Mawla and Sudip Biswas Deep. The third takes a unique approach, showcasing the talents of university theatre workers.
Expressing her optimism about the projects, Sabila said, "The stories of all three dramas are captivating. I'm always drawn to good scripts, and these fit the bill. I believe the stories of all three dramas will be liked by the audience. All three directors have made the dramas with great care. I have tried my best."
Sabila’s acting prowess continues to impress beyond these upcoming Eid dramas. Her recent performance in Alok Hasan's "Motsho Konna," where she shared the screen with Fazlur Rahman Babu, has garnered significant praise. The versatility she displayed in the role has reignited the spotlight on her talent.
The actress’s repertoire also boasts critically acclaimed performances in "Mukhomukhi Ondhokar" and "Ki Bhul Chilo."