In a recent appearance on the Today show, Scarlett Johansson, the renowned actress known for portraying Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, hinted at the possibility of donning her iconic Black Widow costume once again.
During the interview, Al Roker, the Today show host, couldn't resist asking Johansson about the persistent rumors regarding her potential return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, despite her character's sacrifice in Avengers: Endgame.
In response, Johansson playfully entertained the idea of a supernatural comeback, saying, "Like a loophole? I feel like that’s kind of the end, right? Like can you come back? Could it be a vampire version of the character? Cause I’m here for that, like a zombie version, maybe."
When directly asked if she had been approached to reprise her character, Johansson skillfully avoided providing a clear answer, stating, "You really ask the hard questions. I feel like I have to tell you, but I actually don’t have to tell you, Al. I do not, but I want to so bad," before steering the conversation towards her upcoming Disney movie.
In a separate conversation with Savannah Guthrie, Johansson expressed skepticism about her character's return, saying, "It would be a miracle. It would be a real Marvel miracle. It would be a marvel, but who knows? I’m not sure."
These enigmatic comments from Johansson come on the heels of Tom Hiddleston's recent appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, where the Loki star discussed the potential return of deceased Marvel characters. Hiddleston hinted at the intriguing possibilities arising from Loki's time-slipping abilities, emphasizing that death might not be a definitive end in the Marvel universe, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
As fans eagerly speculate on the future of their favorite characters, the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to keep audiences on the edge of their seats, leaving the fate of iconic figures like Black Widow shrouded in mystery.