The title track of Shakib Khan's upcoming film “Rajkumar” was released on March 28, on the occasion of the actor's birthday. The song, written by Asif Iqbal and composed by Akassh sen, has been sung by Balam and Konal.
The song has been well-received by the audience, with many praising the lyrics, music, and the singers' voices. The song has also been praised for its fashionable and heroic presentation of Shakib Khan.
The film, which is being produced by Arshad Adnan and directed by Himel Ashraf, also stars Courtney Coffey.
Arshad Adnan said, "When I first heard the lyrics and music of this song, I felt that the audience would like it. And that's exactly what happened. Only one day has passed. I believe that the audience's love for this song will only increase with time. This song will spread all over the world.
"I am sincerely grateful to all the listeners and viewers. I have a special request for all the viewers: when 'Rajkumar' is released, please go to the theatre with your family and enjoy it."
About the response from audiences, Konal said, "First of all, I would like to express my infinite gratitude to the Almighty Allah for making this song a favourite of the audience. Only a little time has passed, and I am overwhelmed by the unprecedented response I have received."
She expressed her gratitude saying, "I always feel comfortable singing simple, heartfelt songs with melodious tunes. Because then the audience can easily relate to the song, and the song becomes popular. After 'Priyatama', 'Rajkumar' - I am really happy to be associated with both the songs. I thank Arshad Adnan Bhai and the entire team of 'Rajkumar'."