Renowned actor Tawsif Mahbub and emerging talent Totini have joined forces in the latest drama titled "Bisoyta Valobasar," directed by KM Sohag Rana. The drama, written by Ariha Chowdhury, promises to captivate audiences with its engaging storyline and impressive performances.
Tawsif Mahbub, a beloved figure among drama enthusiasts, has gained popularity both nationally and internationally. Prior to this collaboration, Tawsif Mahbub, along with Totini, showcased their chemistry in dramas like "Shesh Ghum", "O Amay Bhalobasheni" and "Shortcut Love Story."
The shooting of the drama has already been completed at various locations in Dhaka.
Producer Md Abubakar Rokon expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating that the drama will soon be available on YouTube channel Cinemawala. He mentioned, "The scenes of the drama have been skilfully shot in different locations of Dhaka, providing a visually appealing experience for the viewers."
Tawsif shared his thoughts on Totini's performance, saying, "MashaAllah, Totini has shown remarkable progress right from the beginning. She carried a significant weight of expectations from the start, and she is earnestly working to meet them. Recently, a number of actors have taken a step back from participating in dramas simultaneously, creating an unexpected pressure on Totini and other emerging actresses.”
“This situation has led to unwarranted comparisons and comments from the audience, which is unjust. It's crucial to recognize that we, as newcomers, are yet not on par with seasoned actors. Totini is currently in a learning phase, absorbing valuable lessons from her experienced counterparts. It's essential to be patient and allow her the time to grow. Totini's commitment and dedication are flawless, and I am confident that she will excel in the future," the actor explained.
Totini expressed her gratitude, stating, "Tawsif bhai is the audience's favorite, a very cooperative co-actor, and undoubtedly a great actor. Sohag Rana bhaiya directed my first work, and everything was well-organised. The story is unique, and I hope the audience will enjoy it."