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Will overcome all economic challenges

Terming UNGA a success, she urges UN to resolve Rohingya crisis
UNB . Dhaka
07 Oct 2022 00:00:00 | Update: 07 Oct 2022 00:05:31
Will overcome all economic challenges

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday vowed to overcome all economic challenges despite global economic downturn and other hurdles at home.

Briefing journalists at her official residence Ganabhaban on her recent participation in the UN General Assembly, she said that she wants to maintain the economy’s growth momentum despite the challenges of Covid pandemic, Ukraine war, sanctions and counter-sanctions.

The PM said she found no major risks in the long-term, short-term or immediate for the country’s economy, and there was nothing to worry about the dwindling foreign currency reserves.

“The growth target we have set, we will be able to achieve that,” she said.

Meanwhile, she urged the United Nations to take steps to resolve the Rohingya crisis.

The premier also said that she talked to the UN officials and pressed for a solution to the crisis as Bangladesh is currently hosting more than 1 million Rohingya refugees from Myanmar.

PM Hasina met UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi regarding the Rohingya repatriation in New York.

Sheikh Hasina said raised the issues of environmental destruction, drug trafficking and criminal activities committed by Rohingya.

A discussion is also on with Myanmar to repatriate the Rohingya soon, she added.

Bangladesh has been hosting the Rohingya for the last five years since the latest influx happened in 2017, and it is not possible to host them anymore as international assistance for them is decreasing now, she said.

So, the Rohingya should be repatriated, the PM added.

“Bangladesh’s participation in this year’s United Nations General Assembly was very much successful,” she said.

“Considering overall (aspects of engagement), I think Bangladesh’s participation in this year’s United Nations General Assembly was very much successful,” she said.

Sheikh Hasina said that in this year’s assembly Bangladesh joined in all important meetings actively.

“This has strengthened Bangladesh’s position further in multilateral forums,” she said.

She hoped that the active participation of Bangladesh will also expand in the arena of international cooperation.

PM’s press secretary Ihsanul Karim moderated the press conference.

Sheikh Hasina returned home on early Tuesday after completing her 18-day visit.

During her stay in the USA, Sheikh Hasina addressed the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly on September 23. She also took part in several events on the sidelines of the UNGA.

The Prime Minister in her written speech highlighting outcomes of her participation at the 77th UNGA sessions at the UN headquarters and participated a number of high-level side events during her UK and USA visit.

She said that she urged the world leaders and the United Nations to play effective measures in establishing world peace and ensure sustainable repatriation of the Rohingya with dignity and safety.

She said the ongoing political unrest and continued conflicts in Myanmar have made repatriation of the Rohingya more critical.

Sheikh Hasina also urged the world leaders to solve the Ukraine-Russia crisis through discussion instead of imposing sanctions and counter-sanctions.

Besides, she highlighted Bangladesh’s commitments and participation in the UN Peace keeping and peace building missions as well as in disarmament of nuclear weapons and countering terrorism.

The Prime Minister joined a reception hosted by the US President and invited him to visit Bangladesh.

She also attended a reception meeting hosted by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and joined the inaugural ceremony of the UNGA.

The Prime Minister also actively participated in a number of high-level side events including on Rohingya Crisis, the UNGA Platform of Women Leaders, sustainable housing, breakfast meeting on antimicrobial resistance, high level policy roundtable with the US Bangladesh business council and joined the Global Crisis Response Group (GCRG) Champions’ Meeting.

In the high-level side event on Rohingya crisis Sheikh Hasina placed a five-point proposal to resolve the Rohingya crisis.

In the GCRG Champions meeting,Sheikh Hasina has urged the G-7, G-20, OECD, the IMF and the World Bank to scale up their efforts to address the global economic crisis.

In the US-Bangladesh business council meeting the Prime Minister invited US investors to invest in Bangladesh in various sectors including renewable energy, shipbuilding, automobile ,pharmaceuticals taking the opportunity of liberal investment policy in Bangladesh.

In the UNGA Platform of Women Leaders meeting Sheikh Hasina said in Bangladesh, her government has taken various steps to empower the country’s women socially, financially and politically.

Sheikh Hasina said in the political spectrum, Bangladesh has ensured representation of women in all levels, from the top to the lowest tier of Government.

The government is bringing the country’s women in the forefront of all economic activities, she added.

Apart from these, Sheikh Hasina held bilateral meetings with a number of world leaders including Presidents of Equador, Slovenia and Kosovo, Cambodian Prime Minister, UN Secretary General, ICC Prosecutors Nick Klegg and Karim Khan, WEF Executive Director and IOM Director General.

In those meetings, issues of mutual interests were discussed, she added.

Earlier, during her visit to the UK from 15 to 19 September, the Prime Minister along with other world leaders joined the state funeral of the late British Queen Elizabeth II in the UK capital.

Among others Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Qader, Foreign Minister Dr. AK Abdul Momen, and Awami League presidium member Matia Chowdhury were present in the brieifing.

The prime minister also stressed the need for making people aware of cyber crimes.

“Cyber crime is a big problem, there is no end to it; many things related to social problems such as terrorism and militancy flourish here and various other issues take place. Keeping that in mind, (cyber) security is very important,” she said.

She said that there is a need to make people aware of how cyber-crime is harmful for a society--from personal life to family life—as well as for a country.

Mentioning that information technology has brought the world closer, she said “It has both good and bad sides.”

She said those who ensure security of the country need to know more about the issue.

She also stressed the need for finding out the best possible ways to ensure the country’s security digitally.

“This meeting is very important for us as the world is going through a very critical time and its impact also falls on Bangladesh. Give well-thought-out opinions so that we can ensure the security of the countrymen and can continue the country’s progress and prosperity to march the country more forward,” she said.

The Prime Minister said security officials will have to find out what Bangladesh can do to ensure its security and utilise the experience of others in doing so. Members of the National Digital Security Council were present at the meeting.
