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Over 100 factories yet to pay wage, bonus

Arifur Rahaman Tuhin
18 Apr 2023 00:00:00 | Update: 17 Apr 2023 23:06:00
Over 100 factories yet to pay wage, bonus

Hit hard by severe financial crisis, nearly 200 factories have failed to pay March salary to their workers before Eid holidays, but they are trying to clear festival bonus.

Besides, over a hundred factories failed to pay Eid bonus and March salary before the holidays. Industrial police told The Business Post that they are keeping a close watch on the situation and talking to the workers and owners in a bid to avoid any untoward incident.

Commenting on the issue, a senior official of the Industrial Police, seeking anonymity said, “There is no big threat of protest from the workers ahead of Eid, but some factories may fail to pay March salary. We have advised them to pay bonus before the holidays and also asked them to hold negotiations with the workers in this regard.”

According to the industrial police data, currently 9,616 factories are in operation. Among the factories, 2,160 are yet to pay March salary. Besides, 54 factories’ February salary is also due. On the other hand, 3,217 factories paid Eid bonus till April 17.

At a tripartite meeting on April 5, State Minister for Labour and Employment Begum Monnujan Sufian asked the owners to pay March salary before April 10 and Eid bonus before Eid holidays. Though owners’ representatives at the meeting made commitment to pay wages in the stipulated time, they failed keep to their words.

122 RMG factories in vulnerable situation

The Industrial Police data showed that 455 readymade garment factories are yet to pay March salary. Among them, 122 factories are in a vulnerable situation and most of them may fail to pay wages and bonus to their workers, source said.

According to the data, 22 RMG factories did not pay February salary. Besides, 103 textile factories did not paid March and 3 textile factories did not paid February wages.

Source said that the labour ministry organised a stakeholder meeting on March 28 while Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association claimed that 122 member factories are facing financial crisis and most of them are likely to fail to pay salary and bonus on time.

Besides, industrial police claimed at the meeting that 96 factories are likely to fail to pay bonus and wages.

Two apex bodies of the apparel sector--BGMEA and Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA)--claimed that they are helping in arranging liquidity for the factories to pay wages to the workers.

BGMEA President Faruque Hassan said that every year a few factories fail to pay wages and bonus on time, but this year is different. “Most of the factories run with low orders than the capacity. We are regularly communicating with the factory owners and trying our level best to arrange money for paying wages.”

BKMEA Executive President Mohammad Hatem said, “Almost all the factories are likely to pay at least bonus, but a few number of factories may fail. We have asked them to negotiate with their workers.”

Police rule out possibility of unrest

Industrial Police high officials claimed that almost all large factories will pay wages and bonus before Eid holidays, but some small and subcontract-based factories will fail. Their field officials are observing the situation and talking to the owners and workers.

Seeking anonymity, a high official of the police said, “There is no threat of workers’ unrest. If anyone tries to violate laws, we are ready to take action against them.”

He, however, said, “Some garment workers may stage demonstrations on a small scale demanding payment of wages and bonus.”
