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4 Satkhira war crime accused land in jail

BSS . Dhaka
09 Sep 2022 00:00:00 | Update: 09 Sep 2022 00:11:51
4 Satkhira war crime accused land in jail

The International Crimes Tribunal has sent four war crime accused of Satkhira to jail on Thursday.

The three member tribunal led by its chairman Justice Md Shahinur Islam passed the order. The tribunal also fixed 11 October for the submission of the report on overall progress of the case.

The accused in the case are – SM Mohsin ul-Mulk, GM Mohiuddin, Md Fazar Ali Gazi, and Abdul Kuddus Gazi of Shyamnagar in Satkhira.

An arrest warrant was issued against ten including them. However, the court abstained from revealing the identities of the remaining six as there is a possibility for them to escape the provisions of the law, said the concerned court officials.

On September 6, the four were arrested from different areas of Shyamnagar. Earlier on April 26, 2009, Chandana Rani Mandal filed a case against four accusing they brutally tortured and killed her father, Surendranath Mandal, a resident of Kadamtola of Shyamnagar during the liberation war in 1971.
