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Cop on remand for attempting to frame innocent in narcotics case

BSS . Dhaka
09 Sep 2022 00:00:00 | Update: 09 Sep 2022 00:11:51
Cop on remand for attempting to frame innocent in narcotics case

A Dhaka court on Thursday placed three people including Assistant Sub-Inspector Mahbubul Alam of Pallabi Police Station on two-day remand each in a case lodged over their alleged attempt to frame one innocent man in a drugs case by putting yaba tablets into his pocket.

The other two remanded accused are – Md Rubel and Md Sohel Rana, informants of ASI Mahbubul Alam.

Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Mohammad Sheikh Sadi passed the order as police produced the trio before the court and pleaded to place them on seven-day remand each. The defence however, argued for quashing the remand plea and setting the accused free on bail.

The three accused recently stopped pedestrian Khalilur Rahman near Cantonment Rail Station. ASI Mahbubul took the packet of yaba tablets from one of his informants and put it into the pocket of Khalilur. Despite detaining him from Khilkhet, Mahbubul showed Khalil arrested at his police station.
