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Mamata flays Modi govt for not inviting her to meet Bangladesh PM

UNB . New Delhi
09 Sep 2022 00:00:00 | Update: 09 Sep 2022 00:11:51
Mamata flays Modi govt for not inviting her to meet Bangladesh PM
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata addresses a meeting of Trinamool Congress in Kolkata on Thursday – NDTV Photo

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has come down heavily on the federal government for “not inviting” her to meet Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina during the latter’s four-day state visit to India.

“I share an excellent relationship with Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina, but they (the Indian central government) did not invite me to be a part of her visit,” Mamata said, addressing her supporters at a meeting of Trinamool Congress in Kolkata on Thursday.

“I don’t want to talk about external affairs or bilateral ties. But, I have noticed that the Centre tries to stop me whenever I am invited to any foreign country. I want to know why is the union government so worried about me meeting foreign dignitaries,” Manata said.

Hasina wrapped up her state visit to India on Thursday, with a visit to the Dargah of the revered Sufi saint Moinuddin Chishti in the town of Ajmer, some 350kms from the national capital.

The Bangladesh PM had also regretted not having met Mamata during her India visit. “Mamata is like my sister. I can meet her whenever I want. We always have a good relationship,” she told the media at a dinner reception in Bangladesh High Commission.
