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13 Tips to Avoid Mosquito Bites

TBP Desk
09 Sep 2023 23:05:27 | Update: 09 Sep 2023 23:05:27
13 Tips to Avoid Mosquito Bites
A mother tends to her dengue-stricken child at Mugda Medical College and Hospital in Dhaka recently — Shamsul Haque Ripon

In recent times, there has been a surge in dengue-related deaths caused by mosquito bites. Mosquitoes, those tiny, buzzing bugs, might seem harmless, but they can be carriers of deadly diseases. To protect yourself and your loved ones from these pesky insects, it is really important to take preventive measures. In this UNB article, we will explore some proven tips to help you avoid mosquito bites.

Mosquito Repellent Sprays and Creams

Mosquito-repellent sprays and creams are your allies in the battle against these bloodthirsty insects. Sprays with DEET or picaridin create a protective barrier when applied to skin and clothing. Creams add an extra layer of defence, especially on exposed areas like the face and neck. Use both to effectively repel mosquitoes and keep those pesky insects at bay.

Wear Protective Clothing 

Wearing protective clothing is a smart way to avoid mosquito bites. You may opt for long-sleeved shirts and pants, preferably in light colours. Mosquitoes are less attracted to light-coloured clothing. By covering up, you create a physical barrier that makes it harder for mosquitoes to reach your skin.

Avoid Peak Mosquito Activity 

Avoiding peak mosquito activity hours is a practical way to minimize your risk of bites. Mosquitoes are most active during dawn and dusk. If possible, stay indoors during these times or take extra precautions when you need to be outside. By doing so, you reduce your exposure to these bloodsucking pests.

Install Window Screens 

Installing window screens is a simple yet effective measure to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home. These screens act as a barrier, keeping mosquitoes out while allowing fresh air to flow in. By ensuring your windows and doors have screens in place, you can enjoy a mosquito-free indoor environment, especially during the warmer months.

Maintain a Mosquito-Free Yard

A mosquito-free yard starts with proactive steps. It is best to regularly clean your yard by removing debris and items that can collect stagnant water, like old tires or buckets. You need to ensure trash cans are tightly sealed to prevent them from becoming mosquito breeding grounds. 

Additionally, you should be concerned about emptying containers that collect rainwater, such as flower pots and bird baths, to eliminate potential mosquito breeding sites. By doing so, you create an environment that's less welcoming to these disease-carrying insects.

Use Mosquito Nets 

Using mosquito nets is a practical solution, especially when sleeping outdoors. Mosquito nets create a physical barrier between you and mosquitoes protecting you throughout the night. You have to simply suspend the netting over your sleeping area to keep those insects at bay, ensuring a peaceful and bite-free night's sleep.

Citronella Candles 

Citronella candles are a natural and pleasant way to repel mosquitoes in outdoor settings. These anti-mosquito candles release a scent that mosquitoes find unpleasant, thus deterring them from your immediate vicinity. You may place citronella candles strategically around your yard to create a mosquito-free zone. 

Electric Mosquito Traps 

Electric mosquito traps are high-tech solutions to rid your indoor and outdoor spaces of mosquitoes. These devices use various methods, such as UV light and fans, to attract and capture mosquitoes. By strategically placing them in areas where mosquitoes are active, you can significantly reduce the mosquito population.

Natural Repellents 

Natural repellents offer an alternative to chemical-based mosquito protection. Essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, and lemon can act as natural mosquito repellents. Dilute these oils and apply them to your skin or use them in diffusers. The pleasant scents deter mosquitoes, providing a chemical-free way to keep these pests away leaving a natural fragrance.

Stay Cool 

Staying cool can help reduce your attractiveness to mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are more drawn to warm bodies. By staying cool through methods like shade, fans, hydration, or cool clothing, you can lower the likelihood of mosquito bites. This simple tactic can make a noticeable difference in mosquito-prone areas.

Avoid Perfumed Products 

Avoiding perfumed products is a smart move when trying to deter mosquitoes. Fragrances in soaps, lotions, and shampoos can attract these insects. It would be wise to opt for unscented personal care products to minimize the risk of mosquitoes being drawn to your skin. It will help you stay bite-free.

Use Yellow Lights 

You may choose yellow outdoor lights to minimize mosquito attraction. While yellow lights don't actively repel mosquitoes, they tend to attract fewer of these insects compared to traditional lighting. This simple lighting swap can create a more enjoyable outdoor environment, with fewer mosquitoes buzzing around during your outdoor activities.

Professional Pest Control 

Engaging professional pest control services is a wise choice if you are dealing with a severe mosquito problem. Pest control experts can assess your situation, identify breeding sites, and implement effective mosquito eradication measures. Their knowledge and specialized tools can help you regain control of your living space and enjoy a mosquito-free environment.

Bottom Line

With the rise in mosquito-borne diseases like dengue, taking precautions to avoid mosquito bites is paramount. By following these tips to avoid mosquito bites, it is possible to minimise the risk of mosquito-related health issues. Protect yourself, your family, and your community by implementing these strategies to keep those pesky mosquitoes at bay.
