During summer our body lose significant amount of water due to the scorching heat. So, to meet up the demand of water in our body we need to go through the source of water. Summer fruits could be the best solution there. Summer fruits help us to balance our body mechanism and to fight with many others existential threat to our body during this season.
1. Mango: Mango is considered as the king of fruits. It doesn’t just have a distinctive flavor and smell, but also contains a number of vitamins and nutrients. This fruit is superbly enriched with vitamins and minerals. Vitamins A, C, D, iron, potassium and calcium are found in abundance in mangoes. The high levels of pectin and fibers available in mangoes reduce cholesterol levels of the body and the other nutrients control the blood pressure and heart rate. It consists of immunity strengthening properties and will help you get through
2. Papaya: This delicious tropical fruit has multifarious forms to eat. It has numerous medical advantages. Papayas are rich in vitamins A, vitamin C, folate and different phytochemicals. It contains papain, a compound that can cure ingestion and other GI tract sicknesses. Compared to carrots, papayas have a higher amount of bera-carotene. Diabetes, cancer, heart diseases, bloating, etc., the sweet-tasting papaya is the perfect solution to all these problems.
3. Watermelon: Watermelon is considered as one of the best summer fruits as it contains significant amount of water in its body. They are the brand ambassadors of summer and are the most demanded fruits of the season. 92% of a watermelon is water and hence, they are extremely hydrating and are best suited for the season. They aren’t far behind in the nutrition department either, with each bite containing Vitamins A, B6, C, amino acids, fibers, calcium, iron etc. It has a high level of lycopene, which is a carotenoid phytonutrient that is very important for bone and cardiovascular health.
4. Plum: This soft, round-shaped fruits are small but are a powerhouse of nutrients. They consist of dietary fibres, sorbitol, and isatin which are great relievers of constipation and digestive problems. It protects your heart from high blood pressure and the chances of a stroke. Consumption of this fruit helps reduce the probability of type-2 diabetes and breast cancer due to anthocyanins, the reddish-blue pigment in some plums and a low glycemic index. A small plum consists of only 30 calories and is very beneficial while dieting.
5. Guava: This tropical fruit is often neglected due to its stiffness and seeds. But the health benefits offered by it are quite exceptional. Studies have proven that guava helps improve blood sugar levels and reduces insulin resistance. The high levels of potassium and soluble fibre contribute to the betterment of heart health. It is also known to reduce the intensity of the pain during menstrual cramps. To improve mental health, eye sight, complexion, metabolism, etc., the consumption of this little fruit can do wonde
6.Pineapple: Referred to as 'Ananas comusus' due to its resemblance to a pine cone, the fruit is not really a fruit. It is rather a mass of individual berries fused to the central stalk. It is one of the most loved tropical fruits and it comes with many health benefits, such as anti-inflammation, boosting metabolism, burning calories, regulating hypertension, etc.
7. Litchi: The litchi is a glorious fruit and comes to us just in time for summer, together with the king of fruit - mango, which perhaps explains why it has to play second fiddle all the time. It comes bundled with a fistful of nutrients - polyphenols (it has apparently the second highest concentration of polyphenols found in any fruit); potassium that maintains sodium levels and is said to help with blood pressure levels; and the vitamins C and B that purportedly have antioxidant properties and enhance immunity as well as help in producing red blood cells.
8. Musk Melon: It is considered as the most nutrient dense melon. A single serving can cater around half our daily vitamin C and A needs. Musk melons are also rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which boost eyesight. The pulpy fruit provides a hydrating effect in this energy sucking weather.
Source: NDTV Food