Dhaka will host its first-ever cat ramp show on Friday, for which more than 3,000 cat lovers – mostly from the capital – have already registered. A handful of animal lovers have organised and funded the event, intending to bring together cats and cat parents under one roof.
The show, set to be held in the capital’s Jamuna Future Park, will feature events such as a ramp show, “Jemon Khushi Temon Sajo,” and “Khadok Biral.” The show will also offer free veterinary checkups.
“Six vets will be at the venue to offer free treatment to the cats present there, including Dr Anwar from Dr Anwar's Pet Care in Nikunja, and Dr Bayezid from Teaching and Training Pet Hospital and Research Center at Purbachal,” said Md Alamgir, a key organiser of the event.
The venue will be open for visitors from 11am on Friday. Vets will also start arriving around that time, he added. The ramp show and other events will start from 2pm.
When asked about safety measures taken at the event, Alamgir told The Business Post, "We will announce every five minutes reminding visitors to be mindful of their cats and belongings. The venue will have an ample supply of disinfectant sprays and hand sanitisers.
“We have also arranged litter boxes for the visiting cats.”
This event will be held with cooperation from “RobinHood the Animal Rescuer,” a nonprofit animal welfare organisation. Animal lovers from Dhaka have also offered assistance, Alamgir said.
According to the event's Facebook page, eminent personalities such as BASIC Bank Director Dr Md Abdul Khaleque Khan, singer Mehreen Mahmud, and model Naila Nayem will be present at the event.