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How to protect children and deal with the issue

TBP Desk
24 Aug 2023 22:02:24 | Update: 24 Aug 2023 22:03:17
How to protect children and deal with the issue

Bullying is a pervasive problem in schools. Bullying can occur in various forms, such as verbal, physical, social, and cyberbullying. It involves repetitive aggressive behaviour aimed at causing harm, discomfort, or distress to another person. According to this UNB article, bullying can have serious consequences and it can affect the victim’s mental health, academic performance, social relationships, and self-esteem. 

Parents and caregivers must be aware of the signs of bullying, understand its effects, and take proactive measures against bullying in school to protect and support children.

Common reasons behind bullying:


Insecurity frequently drives bullying, as individuals project their self-doubt onto others. By belittling or hurting others, they seek a fleeting sense of power and superiority to mask their insecurities. Through this, they gain a false sense of control and confidence.

Peer pressure 

Peer pressure often fuels bullying behaviours as individuals succumb to the need for acceptance within their social group. In an attempt to fit in or assert dominance, they engage in hurtful actions to mirror their peers’ behaviour. Eventually, it perpetuates a cycle of bullying.

Lack of empathy 

Bullying frequently arises due to an absence of empathy, wherein individuals ignore the emotions of others. Their inability to understand or care about the impact of their actions leads to cruel behaviour. They prioritise their desires or amusement over the well-being of their peers.

Home environment 

A negative home environment can contribute to bullying tendencies. Exposure to aggression or neglect at home might lead individuals to replicate these behaviours in other settings, seeking control or attention. Unresolved family issues can materialise as bullying behaviour beyond the household.


The quest for power drives bullying, as individuals exploit perceived weaknesses to assert dominance. By exerting control over others, they derive a sense of authority and superiority. It happens often to compensate for their feelings of inadequacy or lack of control in other aspects of life.


Seeking popularity can drive bullying, as individuals may victimise those not in their social circle to boost their own reputation. They seek to maintain or elevate their status by belittling or mistreating others. They bully, often at the expense of their victims’ well-being.

Effects of bullying on children’s mental health:

Depression and anxiety 

Bullying can lead to depression and anxiety in children. Constant harassment erodes self-esteem, triggering emotional distress. The fear of future attacks induces anxiety. Timely intervention and support are crucial to mitigating these damaging mental health effects.

Low self-esteem 

Repeated negative experiences diminish children’s confidence and self-worth. They internalise the hurtful words and actions. It leads to self-doubt and a negative self-perception that can persist into adulthood without proper intervention and support.

Academic decline 

Bullying often results in academic decline for children. The emotional toll of being targeted can lead to poor concentration, decreased motivation, and missed school days. This hampers their ability to focus on learning and can have long-term consequences on their educational achievement.

Physical health issues 

Bullying can result in physical health problems among children. The stress and anxiety caused by bullying can weaken the immune system, disrupt sleep patterns, and contribute to psychosomatic symptoms like headaches and stomachaches. Addressing bullying is essential for both mental and physical well-being.

How can parents protect children from bullying in school?

Open communication 

Open communication is vital to protecting children from bullying at school. Parents should encourage kids to share their experiences and feelings without fear. Frequent discussions aid in recognising early signs of bullying. It enables parents to step in and offer emotional assistance. Also, it fosters a safe and trusting environment.

Raising awareness 

Parents can protect children from bullying by educating them about it. Conversations about the definition of bullying, its varieties, and its consequences assist children in identifying and reporting incidents. Teaching empathy and kindness empowers them to stand up against bullying. It creates a proactive approach to fostering a respectful and inclusive school environment.

Building resilience 

Building resilience is important to safeguard against bullying. Encouraging self-confidence and coping skills equips kids to handle bullying’s emotional impact. By teaching them to bounce back from challenges, parents can empower children to navigate adversity and maintain their well-being.

Establishing a support system 

Open discussion with teachers, school counsellors, and the parents of peers helps tackle bullying. A united front sends a clear message that bullying is unacceptable and that the child has a network of carers. Thus, parents can shield children from bullying by establishing a strong support system.

Checking mobile phones and social media

Regularly checking online interactions helps detect cyberbullying and inappropriate content shared by peers, seniors at school, or other people. Establishing guidelines for safe internet usage fosters responsible behaviour. It ensures children feel secure and supported in both virtual and physical environments.

How can parents deal with children experiencing bullying in school?

Listen and validate 

Try to create a safe space for children to express their feelings and experiences. Try to listen and validate their emotions. It reassures them that their feelings are understood. This promotes trust and facilitates transparent communication. It helps to address and handle bullying.

Involve school authorities 

Parents should inform teachers, counsellors, or administrators about the situation, providing them with the necessary details. Collaborating with the school ensures a comprehensive response, addresses the issue effectively, and creates a safer environment for the child.

Teach conflict resolution 

Parents can show the children how to assertively communicate, set boundaries, and seek help when needed. Equipping children with these tools enables them to handle bullying situations more effectively. It boosts their confidence and resilience.

Don’t personalise with your own experiences

Each situation is unique, and projecting one’s past onto the child can hinder effective support. It would be better to focus on the child’s emotions and needs, offering guidance and empathy tailored to their specific circumstances.

Final words

Bullying at school is a serious concern that demands the attention of parents, educators, and society as a whole. By recognising the signs and effects of bullying and taking preventive measures related to it, we can create a safer and more supportive school environment for our children. Open communication, education, and empathy are key tools in addressing this issue and ensuring the well-being of our young ones.
