Home ›› 09 Feb 2022 ›› Nation
Bean cultivation is gaining popularity in char areas of the district as its good yield brings smile on poor people’s face.
A large number of farmers in the char areas are involved in been cultivation in the recent years considering its economic aspect.
Farmers usually cultivate bean on abandoned lands and on the premises of the house as many used to cultivate bean on commercial basis.
Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) sources said over 1200 hectares of land have been brought under bean cultivation in the district as a lot of farmers have changed their fortune by growing bean.
Farmers are now seen collecting bean from their fields with much enthusiasm.
Farmers said they have improved their livelihoods and economic condition through homestead vegetable gardening specially bean cultivation.
They said five to six maunds of bean might be plucked from one bigha of land in a week.
During the season ranging from Bangla month Kartik to Fulgon, bean may be plucked 80 to 100 times from a land.
At the beginning of the season, bean is sold at exorbitant prices. But, gradually the price comes down with adequate supply.