At the national level, the highest 9.61 per cent of the total population belongs to the 10-14 years age group.
The literacy rate of the population aged 7 years and above is 78.81 per cent, which is 80.22 per cent for male and 77.41 per cent for females, according to the Report on Socio-Economic and Demographic Survey 2023 released by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS).
The dependency ratio of the country is 50.41, which is significantly higher in the rural areas.
The persons with disabilities are estimated at 1.09 per cent in the country. The rates of disabilities among male and females are 1.24 per cent and 0.94 per cent respectively.
Overall labour force participation rate is 57.41 per cent, which is 73.75 per cent for male and 41.41 per cent for females among the country's population aged 10 years and above. The employment rate for the country is estimated at 96.70 per cent and it is 96.41 per cent for male and 97.21 per cent for females.
The overall unemployment rate is computed at 3.30 per cent, with 3.59 per cent for male and 2.79 per cent for female. Mention-worthy, the rural and urban unemployment rates are 2.76 per cent and 4.48 per cent respectively.
Of the total employed population, the highest 23.19 per cent is engaged in own business activities (own business/agricultural activities excluding regular employees), employees 29.61 per cent, non-agricultural day labourers 10.52 per cent, unpaid helper in family agricultural work 25.00 per cent, and 7.39 per cent are employed as agricultural day labourers, according to the survey.
The highest 43.89 per cent of the total working population is in the agricultural sector, the second highest is 37.04 per cent in the service sector and 19.07 per cent is working in the industrial sector.
Out of the total employed population, the highest 42.21 per cent are employed as full-time workers, 28.70 per cent on a daily basis and 13.72 per cent as part-time workers.
The survey found that in Bangladesh, as many as 82.86 per cent of the total population has birth registration certificates, with a breakdown of 83.64 per cent for male and 82.08 per cent for females.
On the other hand, 96.45 per cent of the total population aged 18 and above has a National Identification (NID) card.
In addition, 2.11 per cent of the same age group possess a driving license. The rate is 4.19 per cent for male and 0.12% for females.
The ownership status of dwelling and land of dwelling reveals that the highest, 77.07 per cent of households live in their own dwellings. Apart from that, the dwellings of 71.14 per cent households are located on their own land and 22.51 per cent on others’ land.
The data on marital status of male and female aged 10 years and above, at the national level, currently the married population is 65.46 per cent followed by never married 28.73 per cent, widow/widower, 5.02 per cent, divorced, 0.41 per cent and separated, 0.38 per cent.
The survey found that a total of 99.58 per cent households are under the electricity coverage across the country. The highest 56.85 per cent of households of the country use wood/chalk/chopped wood as the main source of cooking fuel.
The percentage of using supply gas and LPG as cooking fuel is evident at 17.52 per cent and 10.30 per cent respectively. In the country, 85.20 per cent households do not have any system for exhausting kitchen smoke.
As many as 7.18 per cent of households have facilities with only a chimney, followed by only an exhaust fan, 5.88 per cent and both chimney and exhaust fan, 1.18 per cent.