Former foreign minister AK Abdul Momen said even if the Arab world is united, the Palestine crisis cannot be solved without forming two sovereign states – Palestine and Israel.
The United Nations has no power of its own. They are dependent on the whims of five member states of the UN Security Council. Despite killing 36,000 people, including 15,000 children, the peddlers of humanity did not play any role against the aggression in Palestine.
Momen made the remarks as the chief guest at a shadow parliament on “Israeli aggression in Palestine must be resolved,” held at the capital's Bangladesh Film Development Corporation (BFDC) on Friday.
Debate for Democracy organised the event, with its chairman Hassan Ahmed Chowdhury Kiron in the chair.
Momen, also chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, assured that Bangladesh does not even have any commercial relations with Israel.
He then pointed out, “Deletion of the word ‘Except Israel’ from e-passports is regrettable. When I was the foreign minister, the home ministry or someone else made this change without discussing the matter with me beforehand.
“I was told this was done by an organisation in Germany to improve the quality of passports and reduce costs.”
Hassan Ahmed Chowdhury Kiron said, “There is no division in Bangladesh politics over supporting the Palestinian state. We are all for Palestine.”
Kiron presented a 7-point recommendation to solve the Palestine-Israel conflict. This includes securing a peace agreement with the participation of both sides, mediated by the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, and other international organisations and countries, and the establishment of separate sovereign states for both Palestine and Israel.
State University defeated the debaters of Kabi Nazrul Government College in the shadow parliament titled “A united effort of the Muslim world can stop Israeli aggression in Palestine.” The winning team received trophies, crests and certificates at the end of the competition.
Professor Abu Muhammad Roys, journalists Masud Karim, AKM Moinuddin, Jhumur Bari and Ekramul Haque Sayem participated as judges in the event.