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Advisory Council takes 8 decisions at first meeting

Hasan Arif
11 Aug 2024 22:47:13 | Update: 11 Aug 2024 22:47:13
Advisory Council takes 8 decisions at first meeting

The Advisory Council of the interim government on Sunday, its first full workday,took a number of decisions at its first meeting, two days after taking charge of the mission to rebuild Bangladesh following the ouster of the Sheikh Hasina-led government in a mass uprising led by students last week.

The decisions include bearing the treatment costs of the protesters who were injured in the recent student movement and immediate cancellation of disputed contractual appointments in the public services.

The meeting took place at the state guest house Jamuna, which is the official residence and office of Chief Adviser Prof Muhammad Yunus,in Dhaka on Sunday evening.

Chaired by Yunus, the meeting was attended by 15other advisers of the interim government. Another adviser, Faruk-e-Azam, is yet to be sworn-in and given charge of any portfolio as he is still in the United States and the date of his arrival in Bangladesh has not been confirmed.

As per the council's decision, a list of all injured protestors shall be prepared at the earliest and their treatment costs shall be borne fully by the government. The health ministry shall accordingly instruct all hospitals.

The government shall also support the families of the deceased protestors.

The foreign ministry shall immediately start consultation for release of the 57 Bangladeshis arrested and sentenced by the UAE authority for protesting in support of the students and people in Bangladesh. If needed, the chief adviser will talk to the concerned government, the council decided.

It said that a list of all contractual appointments is being prepared. While some disputed and controversial contracts shall be immediately terminated, the rest shall also be terminated in phases.

The resignation letters of the governor of Bangladesh Bank and the chairman ofBangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission have been accepted. The central bank governor shall soon be appointed, said the council.

A search committee has been formed comprising former finance secretary Muslim Chowdhury, ex-DG of Bangladesh Bank Nazrul Huda and Policy Research Institute Executive Director Ahsan H Mansoor for recommending appointments in the vacant posts of deputy governors, it said.

The Advisory Council also decided that adequate supply of all essentials across the country shall be ensured.

The council also noted with grave concern attacks on religious minorities in some places. The chief adviser shall immediately sit with the representative bodies and other concerned groups to find ways to resolve such heinous attacks, it said.

The meeting decided that the Dhaka Metro Rail shall resume operating from Saturday, August 17. The trains, however, will not stop at the damaged stations at Kazipara and Mirpur-10 till repair is done.
