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AL plans elaborate programmes on Pahela Baishakh

BSS . Dhaka
13 Apr 2023 18:54:05 | Update: 13 Apr 2023 19:08:26
AL plans elaborate programmes on Pahela Baishakh

Bangladesh Awami League (AL) has chalked out elaborate programmes to celebrate the Pahela Baishakh, the first day of Bengali New Year 1430, on Friday.

To observe the day, the Dhaka South City unit of AL will bring out a colourful procession in Dhaka.

The procession will start from Bahadur Shah Park in the capital at 7am where AL central leaders, including AL General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader, will participate, read a press release of the Dhaka South City unit of AL on Thursday.

The procession will parade different areas of the city and end at AL's central office on Bangabandhu Avenue.

Besides, a discussion will be held in front of the Bahadur Shah Park in Old Dhaka at 7am on the same day.

Dhaka South City AL Acting President Nurul Amin Ruhul, MP, will preside over the discussion while Dhaka South City unit of AL general secretary Humayun Kabir will conduct it.
