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Bhedarganj locals still waiting for bridge over Hogla

Md Roman Akhand . Shariatpur
15 Sep 2023 22:15:34 | Update: 15 Sep 2023 22:15:34
Bhedarganj locals still waiting for bridge over Hogla
Students of several villages in Shariatpur's Bhedarganj have to cross the river on boats to get to school — Md Roman Akhand

Thousands of people from at least 10 villages in Bhedarganj upazila of Shariatpur continue to suffer due to a lack of a bridge over Padma Hogla River.

The locals have no other means of commuting apart from by boat, continuously risking their lives, as there is no alternative road to cross the river in the Ikarkandi market and the old launch ghat area of the upazila.

Many school-going children also have to take boats to get to the three educational institutions in the area. Children, women and elderly people have to face untold suffering while crossing the river.

Padma Hogla River, a branch of Padma River, flows through the middle of Narayanpur union of the upazila. Local sources claim that at least 5,000 people cross the river every day by boat.

People from at least 10 villages including Ferangikandi, Singjala, Ikarkandi, Surya Moni and Char Kuraltali cross this river every day.

To get to many government institutions, schools, hospitals and organisations including  Government Primary School No 56, Noorani Madrasa, Ikarkandi Bazar, Narayanpur High School, Community Clinic, Narayanpur Union Parishad Office, Narayanpur Union Land Office, boats are their only options.

During monsoons, with raised water levels and strong currents in the river, risks increase, and it becomes especially hard for children to attend school.

Local parliament member Nahim Razzak and Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) officials have visited and inspected the area for the purpose of construction of the bridge, said the upazila nirbahi officer.

If a concrete bridge is built, it will ease the commute for thousands of people in the union.

Students who have to cross the river to get to school said, they have to sometimes skip school as crossing the river on a boat can be risky. When it rains, boat services are suspended and they have to take a roundabout route of several extra kilometres to get to the school.

They demanded a bridge be built over the river in their area as soon as possible.

Traders of the Ikarkandi market also face trouble conducting business as they have to sometimes ferry goods on boats. Transporting goods on a different route requires additional costs.

They expect that there will be overall development of the locale including better road communication, development in education and business growth.

Boatman Aziz Madbar said, “I have been ferrying people and goods on my boat in the area for the past two years. Boats run from dawn to 9pm. About 5,000 people cross every day.”

In response to a question, he said that he believes if a bridge is built there will be further development in the area and he will be able to find a better profession instead of being a boatman.

Aminul Islam, an assistant teacher at Ikarkandi Government Primary School, said that the students of this area are lagging behind due to communication problems.

“Sometimes children do not want to come to school when the river’s water levels are high. Crossing by boat is dangerous, especially during the monsoon season. So the construction of a bridge here is very important,” he added.

Bhedarganj LGED Engineer Anupam Chakrabati said that a team including the project director has already visited the place to build a bridge over the river.

“A proposal has been sent for a project to build a bridge over 100 metres long at the site. If the proposal is passed, the construction work of the bridge will be started soon after completing the various processes. By doing this, the people of both sides will be saved from suffering,” he said.

Bhedarganj upazila Nirbahi Officer Abdullah Al Mamun said, “With the aim of constructing a bridge at that place, local parliament member Nahim Razzak and senior officials of upazila administration and LGED have already visited the place. I hope they will check the matter and take the initiative to build the bridge.”
