A distressing incident unfolded in Dhaka's Agargaon area on Tuesday afternoon when a bus operated by Safety Paribahan collided with a pillar of the Metro Rail, resulting in injuries to several passengers.
The accident occurred around 12:45pm when the bus impacted the 359th pillar of the Metro Rail, leading to immediate emergency responses.
Faruk Hossain, the Officer-in-Charge of Kafrul Police Station, confirmed the event, stating, "The bus driver absconded following the collision. Authorities have since impounded the bus. Approximately four to five individuals sustained injuries from the accident but have since received first aid and been discharged to return home."
Eyewitness accounts suggest that the bus driver, who appeared to be underage, was navigating the vehicle at high speed on a relatively empty road. This reckless driving ultimately led to the driver losing control and the subsequent collision with the metro rail pillar.
The impact of the crash not only injured several passengers but also damaged the water discharge pipe of the Metro Rail infrastructure. Among the injured, a mother and her child reportedly sustained the most severe injuries. Following the incident, police officers arrived at the scene to manage the situation and remove the bus from the site.