Demand for a three-day holiday during the Hindu community's religious festival, Durga Puja, is relevant said Home Affairs Adviser Brig Gen (retd) M Sakhawat Hossain on Monday.
He said this when the top leaders of the Bangladesh National Hindu Grand Alliance met him at the conference room of the Home Ministry.
Regarding the demand of the Hindu community, the Home Adviser said, “I have spoken with them. I have assured them that I will discuss this matter. Durga Puja is their biggest festival. I have told them that I will strongly recommend from this ministry that there should be a three-day holiday for Durga Puja. Even if that doesn't happen, there should at least be a two-day holiday. Because, with just one day's holiday, those who work can’t attend.”
He said, “Many of you have seen me at the Election Commission, I come with a mission and try to fulfil it. I did the same during the elections. This time, my other mission is the 'Political Party Act.' We will sit and create it. Those who can do politics within this act will do so; those who cannot, will not."