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Dhaka wears deserted look

UNB . Dhaka
10 Dec 2022 11:57:19 | Update: 10 Dec 2022 16:55:43
Dhaka wears deserted look
— UNB Photo

Public transports were seemingly off Dhaka roads on Saturday morning, ahead of BNP’s last divisional rally in the capital city.

No public transport was seen plying the roads since morning. Only some CNG-run autorickshaws were seen.

BNP is ready to hold its tenth divisional rally at Golapbagh field in the capital and thousands of leaders and activists of the party have thronged the rally venue. 

Though there is no transport strike in force, owners were not allowing their transport to ply the road.

A few inter-city buses were seen on the road, but they were few and far between.

City dwellers, especially office-goers, have been facing difficulties reaching their respective destinations. Most were seen waiting for public transport on the road since morning.

Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Joint Commissioner Traffic (North) Abu Saleh Md Raihan also observed that the presence of public transport is very thin on the road.

The number of commuters on the road was also less compared to other days, he said, adding that people were not leaving their homes unless they have urgent work.
