Mobile courts of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police conducted raids on Bashundhara City Shopping Complex and New Market in Dhaka to ensure proper implementation of the health guidelines to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Thirty-eight people faced a total fine of Tk 11,550 for not wearing masks and maintaining hygiene rules at the markets, said the DMP news portal.
The drives were conducted between 11:30am to 2:45pm.
Meanwhile, the Bangladesh Shop Owner Association closed Paltan China Town Shopping Complex for not maintaining health guideline around 10:30am and later opened it around 1:30pm on undertakings from the shop owners there, said Helal Uddin, the association president.
He said that there were 450 shops at the market and most of the buyers and sellers were ignoring the health guidelines.
Responding to repeated appeal of the shop owners, the government had allowed them to keep open the shops amid a ‘lockdown’ ahead of the Eid-ul-Fitr on condition of maintaining health guidelines.
In reality, most of people were ignoring the hygiene rules at the markets that prompted the DMP to conducted raids at the markets, said police.
At Bashundhara City Shopping Complex, a mobile team led by executive magistrate Sheikh Rafiqul Haque conducted raid and fined 17 people, including buyers and sellers, Tk 5,500 for not wearing masks.
Another mobile team led by executive magistrate Sanjeev Das carried out a drive on and around New Market and fined 21 people Tk 6,050 for not wearing masks.