The cabinet division of the government on Sunday issued a circular, which carried 11-point directives to be followed during the week-long lockdown effective from Monday. During the lockdown, people will have to maintain the guidelines from morning (6:00 am) till night (11:00 pm).
Here are the dos and don’ts during the lockdown
1. All public transport services (road, river, railway and domestic flight) will remain suspended. These directives are not applicable to cargo and emergency services and to the people going abroad or arriving in.
2. Offices, employees and transports of law enforcement and emergency services such as relief distribution, health service, electricity, water, fuel, fire service, activities at land, sea and river ports, telephone and Internet, telecommunication and others services will be out of these restrictions.
3. All government/non-government/autonomous offices, courts and private offices can facilitate shuttling of their necessary employees to office, using their own transports on a limited scale.
4. Industries and factories, including those belonging to BGMEA and the BKMEA, will be in operation. The trade bodies will have to take necessary measures for the treatment of their workers.
5. It is strictly prohibited to go out of houses without any emergencies (purchase of medicine and daily essentials, medical treatment and burial/cremation etc).
6. All types of restaurants will remain closed and under any circumstance. Eating food inside restaurants are prohibited. However, takeaway and online sales are allowed.
7. All shops will remain closed though they can continue selling products online maintaining mandatory health guidelines. No customers can go to markets physically.
8. Daily commodities and groceries will be sold in open space from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm following health directives.
9. Bangladesh Bank will issue directives to continue banking activities on a limited scale. Necessary measures will be taken by the Armed Forces Division to build field hospitals in Dhaka.
10. District and field-level administration will take effective action to impose the directives and law enforcement agencies will ensure regular patrol.
11. Anyone violating these directives will face strict legal action.