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Fire at Demra yarn factory doused

UNB . Dhaka
22 Feb 2024 16:02:53 | Update: 22 Feb 2024 17:34:06
Fire at Demra yarn factory doused
— Representational Photo

A fire which broke out at a yarn factory at Dharmikpara of Konapara in Dhaka's Demra area was doused after an hour of effort by the firefighters on Thursday, said fire service authorities.

The fire broke out at the tin-shed jute yarn factory around 7:20am and spread soon, said Md Shahjahan Shikdar, deputy assistant director (media cell) of Fire Service and Civil Defence.

On information, two firefighting units rushed to the spot and extinguished the blaze around 8:28am.

However, there were no immediate reports of casualty and the origin of the fire could not be known immediately.
